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Our Team.

At Providing Ongoing Ostomate Support Scotland, we believe that no ostomate should feel alone. Our dedicated team, comprised of individuals who have first hand experience of Stomas, is committed to providing support to the community. We are working tirelessly to improve ostomy awareness in Scotland and provide the help that is needed.

Val McNeill

Founder & Managing Director

Val has a background in Pharmacy and Counselling. 

She unfortunately lost her job in 2016 due to Fibromyalgia, a Chronic pain and Chronic fatigue condition, so she understands the difficulties of having an invisible illness.

Val started our very first group, She is always on the look out for new ventures and venues for groups. 

If you have any suggestions at all for group locations, information days or fundraising activities she would love to hear from you.

Anna Hulme


Anna is a midwife and had had a Stoma longer than she hasn't. 

She had her first stoma formed when she was 1 day old, after necrotising Enterocolitis caused her bowel to perforate.

She chose to have a reversal at 13 years old. 10 years later she decided to get her stoma back due to the struggles she had post reversal and she had never felt better!

Anna's stoma is technically a colostomy but it is in the right side of her body and acts like a high output ileostomy so she advocates for all types of stomas!

After hiding her first stoma for so many years, Anna was keen to help improve support for others living with a stoma and soon after chatting to Val online POOS was created!

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Fiona Kerr


Fiona moved to Scotland for University.

A few years after moving she became unwell with a genetic condition, later diagnosed as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. 

As a result of disease progression she has a colostomy, urostomy and a gastrojejostomy feeding tube.

Helping those with medical devices get the support they need is really important to her, so when asked to join POOS it was an obvious choice. 

Fiona also has a business making cuddly toys specially adapted with medical devices to look just like you or someone special to you. 
She offer a wide range of medical devices including feeding tubes, ostomy bags, oxygen prongs and catheters and is always willing to try to create custom toys to match your needs. 


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All members of the team are partial to a hielan' Coo! So when it came to picking a mascot there really was no choice in the matter.

P`ogan is scots gaelic for poos. 

P`ogan has a Coo'lostomy courteous of Fiona, using her wonderful skills with a needle and thread.

He can be found at meeting and he hopes to have a blog one day of him travelling the length and breath of Scotland sharing the support of ostomates he meets along the way! 

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