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FAQ - Information Days

Here are some frequently asked questions about our information days. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact using the link at bottom of this page.

I don't yet have a stoma but I know that I am going to be getting one, Can I come along?

Yes! Of Course, you are more than welcome to access the information we are sharing and chatting with other ostomates may calm any worries you may have 


Can my partner, family, friend come with me?

Absolutely! we welcome family, friends and carers at all our meetings and gatherings to offer support to the ostomate to come along and they deserve some support as well so they are more than welcome.


My partner, family member, friend is currently in hospital or housebound, can I come along? 

Yes of course, as before we welcome family, friends and carers to come along and join in with the group if they feel they need to and you can take the information back to the person who isn't able to join us on the day.


I can't make it on that day, is there anywhere else I can access similar information?

Here on our website, you can access more information here. We also have both public and private Facebook groups where we post information as well as advertise our peer support group meetings, locations, dates and times. We also have a WhatsApp group chat for more informal chat.


What can I expect when I come along?

You will be meet by one of our volunteers who will sign you in, then you will be able to see the reps, you can make your way around and chat to any one you want to. They may have displays of the different types of stoma bag or available products or information and you can stay for 5 min or 2 hours 


Do I need to bring anything with me?

No, we will have a refreshment table and its more about the information we can give to you, but we don't need to know what type of bag you are currently using or your supplier your currently using. If you know that information off the top of your head then that's wonderful but don't think you have to memorise it!


What is accessibility like?

The venues are as accessible as possible for everyone, it is some thing we really try to ensure. One of our Directors is a wheelchair user and so accessibility is one of our top priorities there is usually a lift to the room location or direct access from outside. We are always on the look out for good accessible bathrooms as well! but if you have any worries please use the 'Get in touch' below and we will get back to you with venue specific information. 

Got a question that wasn't included? Get in Touch...

There is no such thing as a silly question! if you are wondering then others probably are as well 

Thanks for submitting!

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